pretome info login
Are you tired of knowing the information of “pretome info login” Then here is the list where you will be able to know all the details with the login page at the top of the list.
Use the form below to have your password reset and your account details mailed back to you. (You will have to reply to a confirmation email.)
You have been automatically logged in. You can now continue to the main page and start using your account. Before you start using you must familiarize yourself with the RULES and the Wiki. Only after doing so will you be permitted access to the site’s entirety.
Their IRC is: I was apart of pretome back in 2007 but forgot to park my account and it was deleted. With their new “secret” login I dont know who/where to go to….
What happened to Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Their domain name changed to a month and a half ago.
Members If you are having a problem logging in to the site…or have forgotten your PIN or password. Join the Help channel of IRC. The Server address: will take you to #Help where a Staff member will sort things out for you.
first get Xchat from install & open. Type your PTM site nickname (login name) into the Nick Name box, use any name you want for the other boxes. just below that , click the ‘add’ button. enter the details: Connect command: j help. click : close. Click: connect.
- No login page, doesn’t look like it’s up anymore. cadatoiva added the Down / Waiting for removal label on Apr 24, 2020.
PreToMe is a decent ratioless tracker that has a lot of content. It’s a 0Day/General tracker with very good speed & Pretime. They have special login page, where you enter a digits-code [ you receive on mail when registering] copy it to be able to enter Login/pass credentials.
- Pretome features a highly secure login process where the login form only appears after you enter a PIN value. This is annoying since most password-managers won’t work, and they tie your login to the current IP address. No fun for Multi-WAN setups.
The links of “pretome info login”. Then bookmark this page for easy login next time. Also, if you are facing trouble for pretome info login, let us know so we can provide a solution for you within a short period.