new ford tech login
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Password Reset Links. Ford Employees Dealers Tier 2/3 Suppliers, Fleet and other Retirees – North Americas Only Retirees – Rest of World.
Sign in with one of these accounts. Dealer, Supplier, Other Login.
Do you need to log onto one of our training courses? Are you ready to start your job search? Sign in here: Sign In. Still have questions?
As a New Ford Tech you will train to become qualified to work for Ford and Lincoln – the brands that move America. With over 100 years of experience and innovation, there’s no better way to train for your future as an automotive technician.
These tools are for current students and instructors who are currently active in an ASSET, FACT, MLR or VCP program. Dealers and certain Ford Staff also have content.
Tools for current instructors of the ASSET, FACT, MLR and VCP Programs. STARS. SPS Tools. Launch PTS. TCEP Store. Cost Calculator.
Technical Training. Overview STARS XP eKnowledge Ford eSourceBook Lincoln Product Portfolio Classroom Info Classroom Survey Masters My Training (FMC Dealer) New Ford Tech Website Service Manager Tools Technical Assistance. Technical Assistance Center Home Technical Support Request Form Technical Support Request Status
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Do you dream of a career under the hood, diagnosing and fixing Ford & Lincoln vehicles? Our New Ford Tech scholarships are tailored to fuel your pursuit of becoming an Automotive Service Technician. Explore available scholarships below:
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