course pack login
Are you tired of knowing the information of “course pack login” Then here is the list where you will be able to know all the details with the login page at the top of the list.
Sign In. New? Register for a free account.
Students must register for an account to access coursepacks from instructors. If your instructor assigned course materials but did not provide a coursepack link, ask them to create one on this website. Students also save up to 60% on course materials.
From this screen, you can log in to the HBP Education website if you already have an account. Otherwise, from the same screen, you can register for a student account. Once logged in, you will be automatically directed to the Coursepack.
Articles on how to use coursepacks on the HBP website. How to use a Free Trial Coursepack. How to Extend a Coursepack. Collaborate (Co-Teach) on a Coursepack. Reusing (Duplicating) a Coursepack. Converting a List into a Coursepack.
Once you click on the unique course link, you will be prompted to log into the HBP Education website if you already have an account. Otherwise, from the same screen, you can register for a student account.
Once you are registered and logged in, use your access code to download your course material. If you have already signed up, simply login. If you forget your password please click here to access the “Forgot Password?” page.
Login and view the coursepack. Coursepacks may include articles, case studies, video, and chapters. Look for the PURCHASE COURSEPACK button at the top of the the main box.
Your coursepacks contain the course materials assigned to you by your professor.
The Niner Course Pack provides access to all course materials without the need to shop around before the first day of class. The Niner Course Pack is a textbook rental program. Students can buy their rented textbooks at a reduced price at the end of the semester.
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